La meva experiència Erasmus a Holanda

My Erasmus in The Netherlands I am Alex Vallejo and I am a student, I am taking part in the iMM mobility program of l’Escola del Treball vocational school. I first went to Italy for 4 months and then I…

Erasmus a Holanda

THE NETHERLANDS, my Erasmus host country for 6 months. Hello everyone, my name is Ariadna Vidal and I have been for 6 months in Leeuwarden, a small city located in the north of Holland. You might be wondering why there,…

El meu Erasmus a Holanda

My Erasmus in The Netherlands My name is Jordi Mayench and I am going to talk about my Erasmus experience in The Netherlands. Well, my stay in Leeuwarden has been different from my stay in Italy. I chose to live…