Estada docent a Arnhem

Estada docent a Arnhem: Obrint portes a noves oportunitats de mobilitat per a l'alumnat Els dies 17, 18 i 19 de setembre de 2024, Cristina Badia i Anabel Mateu, docents del Departament de Comerç i Màrqueting de l’Institut Escola del…

La nostra experiencia Erasmus a Holanda

Erasmus+ International Marketing Management Experience  We are Maria Cañellas and Júlia rius, students doing the International Marketing Management course at Escola del Treball vocational school, Lleida. Now we are taking part in an Erasmus course in Holland and we want…

El nostre Erasmus en Braga – Portugal

Experiencing an Erasmus course in Braga, Portugal: A Journey of Learning and Discovery Embarking on an Erasmus journey is always an exciting and transformative experience. For us, three eager students, our adventure took us to the charming city of Braga,…

Ens visita el Lycée Jules Guesde de Montpellier

Mobilitat Inversa de l’alumne Nassim Jouini. Visita dels nostres partners del Lycée Jules Guesde de Montpellier. Mme.  Agnès Coustol i Mr. Sebastien Yde, professors del Lycée Jules Guesde de Montpellier (França), visitem a l’alumne Nassim Jouini, estudiant de BTS Commerce…

Our experience Erasmus in Denmark

Our enriching experience in Denmark During these two weeks in Denmark, we’ve been learning many different things about automation in various sectors, such as industrial and home automation. In the first few days, we worked on exercises related to pneumatics…

El nostre Erasmus a Thiene – Italia

Estel Olesa Last month  April I had the opportunity to enjoy an Erasmus stay in Thiene, Veneto, Italy, working at a flower shop (Carollo Fiori) and also attending different classes at the ITET Aulo Ceccato school. I learned a lot…

El meu Erasmus a Portugal

MY EXPERIENCE IN ATLANTIC - HIGHER INSTITUTION (PORTUGAL) My name is Ekho Ojo, I arrived in Portugal on February 16th, and classes began on the 19th of the same month. This was our last country in the IMM program. In…

Visitem Turrons Vicens i Xocolata Jolonch

Excursió Educativa dels Estudiants de Grau Superior de Màrqueting de l'Escola del Treball de Lleida a Turrons Vicens i Xocolata Jolonch El passat desembre, els estudiants del Grau Superior de Màrqueting i el seu grup internacional (IMM) de l'Escola del…

Erasmus étude Montpellier 2023

ERASMUS ÉTUDE MONTPELLIER 2023 Bonjour a toutes et tous, Après 3 mois de grands moments et d'expériences, c'est à mon tour de dire au revoir à Montpellier.  Avec la fin de mon Erasmus, j'aimerais expliquer mon expérience à tous ceux…

Our Exchange program experience in Rotterdam

OUR EXCHANGE PROGRAM EXPERIENCE  IN ROTTERDAM Good morning, I am Pablo Salabert. I am 19 years old and I live in Vencillón, a small town in Huesca. I study Transport and Logistics in Lleida, at Escola del Treball vocational school,…