• L’anglès s’ofereix a tots els cicles formatius a excepció del CFGS d’Automatització i Robòtica.
  • Cicle formatiu impartit íntegrament en anglès:


  • Cicles formatius que imparteixen mòduls específics en anglès:

Cicles formatius de Grau Superior

  • Preparació per als exàmens BEC (Business English Certificate) de Cambridge
  • Classes extraescolars d’Anglès, Francès i Alemany
  • Preparació lingüística per a l’alumnat que realitza pràctiques a empreses a l’estranger

Equip humà

Notícies del departament

Our school trip to Dublin – Ireland

We are students at Escola del Treball vocational school in Lleida and we are studying administration and finance. We took part in a school trip to Ireland promoted by the Plan for foreign languages Vocational Training program. We are going to tell about our experience During our stay in Dublin (February 26th to March 4th), […]

School trip to Dublin

TRIP TO DUBLIN From 26th of February to 4 th of March we had the opportunity to go to Dublin. And even though we had to wake up really early to take the plane we didn’t care because the chance was really worth it. We loved staying with Irish families. We got to know more […]

Our school trip to Dublin

TRIP TO IRELAND We are students at Escola del Treball vocational school, we are group class C and we are studying administration and finance. Our experience in Dublin has been wonderful. It’s a very beautiful country, very old, it has a lot of history, it is quite big, and cold, it rains every day, I […]

Escola del Treball