Hi! I’m Kristiana Girne, student of marketing and advertising in Escola del Treball college, Lleida
A few months ago I told you about my Erasmus experience in Italy where I stayed for three months for my Erasmus internship , now it is the time to tell you how was my 5 months Erasmus internship in Holland.
We left Lleida on February 4th , Angel and I were picked up by the two Portuguese students who were driving their car, we were going to live in Holland for five months (we had already looked for a house some months earlier) we started the long trip of almost 20 hours, in which I lost my boots when we stopped for a rest thinking that I had left them inside the car and not outside as I did.
We finally arrived at home, we were completely exhausted, the room for me and my roommate was very small for the two of us, it was just like a closet, but luckily the house was beautiful (the only problem is that the mirrors were very high, and I am a short person so I could not see myself in them).
Luckily, things changed the next day, we went to our new university … and how wonderful. Do you know the typical universities that appear in the movies and you think they are joking and that they don’t exist? well, they do exist, and we were going to one of those universities. I could never really explain in detail my feelings about what the university was like because it’s something you have to see.
We started to go to classes, we started to meet people, to visit the city… And I have to say that they were quiet 5 months, Leeuwarden is a place that is very cold and I’m one of those who doesn’t like cold very much.
Italy was crazier, Holland was more stable.
I had many moments when I took the bike and went to the park (Leeuwarden is all nature with many lakes) and sat on a bench and started writing or chatting to a friend. That sincerely is what I will miss the most, those moments of peace and quiet, when you only concentrate on breathing the clean air and on seeing the landscape.
These 5 months were of great help to know who I am and who I want to be, what I want and what I don’t want.
I can only thank you for having given me this opportunity, for having given me more desire to live and discover the world, and for realizing that there are thousands more things to discover and a thousand more feelings to feel.
With our best wishes on the part of Catalonia in Vic and Lleida.
See you soon!