My name is Eric Carulla. To complete this two- year Erasmus course, we moved to Lisbon, to enjoy our last Erasmus experience studying abroad, this time in Portugal, our neighbour country.
Unfortunately, it was the shortest Erasmus course, but the best reason to go there was that one week after, I was granted with a trip to Dubai which was the best experience in my life, a dream place to visit.
Regarding my Erasmus stay in Lisbon, everything was ok, it’s true that we had some problems at first to find the right accommodation in the city, as it is a really cheap city for the facilities once there, but the rent is really high, and you need to consider that the University is not in the city, it’s in a town a bit far from the city centre, but easily reachable with public transport (train)
Once in Lisbon, we recognized in an easy way that it was the paradise for all the Erasmus students, it’s really full of students from all around the world, and it’s so easy to meet interesting people from different countries, social life there is widespread, and there is a lot of places to socialise, like WhatsApp and Facebook groups and also the ESN organizes some kind of activities and trips.
While studying and doing my Erasmus course, we could enjoy social life, I really had fun doing a lot of sports, the most popular one was surfing, but I also played tennis and paddle a lot of times, as another way to meet international people and do an excellent networking.
I strongly recommend have this experience in this country and I encourage you to be extrovert and meet as many people as you can because it is the ideal city to do it.