Our enriching experience in Denmark During these two weeks in Denmark, we’ve been learning many different things about automation in various sectors, such as industrial and home automation. In the first few days, we worked on exercises related to pneumatics…
El passat dimarts 30 d’abril, els alumnes de segon de grau mig d’electricitat van fer una visita a l’empresa Frutària ubicada a la localitat d’Alcoletge, on hi ha ubicada una de les seves sucursals. És una empresa que apart de…
El passat dijous 11 d'abril de 2024, l’alumnat del cicle d’automatització i robòtica va visitar la fira Advanced Factories, convenció anual que se celebra al recinte firal de l’Hospitalet (Barcelona) i a la qual assiteixen, a part d’integradors de màquines…
OUR ERASMUS EXPERIENCE IN DENMARK The group-class of higher vocational studies in Electricity has experienced a memorable three-week Erasmus course in Denmark. Our stay in Denmark has been truly exceptional. We had the privilege of studying at EUC SYD school,…
MY ERASMUS EXPERIENCE IN GERMANY My name is Josep Tomas. I just came back from an Erasmus course in Germany. We were staying in Rastatt, a small town in southern Germany, near Strasbourg. The first two weeks, we did an…
MY ERASMUS EXPERIENCE My name is Pablo Casanova. First of all, I have to say that it has been a great opportunity to participate in this project. I have always liked the idea of traveling to other countries and doing…
Last December a group of students of Automation and Robotics spent a week in Dublin as part of being in the Pla d'Impuls de Llengües Estrangeres a l'FP. We attended English lessons in the morning and discovered and enjoyed the lively…
El divendres 30 de setembre els alumnes de segon d'Instal·lacions Elèctriques i Automàtiques de l'Escola del Treball de electricitat vam anar a la fira agrària de Sant Miquel a la Fira de Lleida. A més de maquinària agrària, vam veure…
Visit to Amar Terra Verde Mechatronic Department (Vila Verde – Portugal) Mr Miguel Sánchez, was visiting the vocational school Amar Terra Verde last May. He was received for Ms Clara Sousa, the International Coordinator of that college. Apart from visiting…
MY GREAT ERASMUS EXPERIENCE IN PORTUGAL My name is Isaac Ares. My Erasmus experience in Portugal was wonderful. This was my first trip to another country by plane so I was a bit nervous. But once the plane was in…