My name is Maria Piera. My stay in Italy has been a bit complicated because of the covid pandemic, it makes life a little more difficult as you can’t move around too much. I’ve been living in a very cosy village in the mountains, which has made life a little easier when it comes to going out. We were able to visit very beautiful natural spaces, and enjoy the fresh air. I met a lot of new people from the school and enjoyed this Erasmus experience very much indeed.
I would like to return when this pandemic situation is gone, I know that I would enjoy it much more than now.
This experience has been really positive, we learnt more about marketing and has also made me grow as a person, and it has helped me see that this career is what I want for my future.
I met my roommate, Pepeta, she’s been one of the best people I’ve met during 2020. She’s been the best roommate I could have imagined I would have and we had a great time. I hope we never lose this nice friendship.