Estada de mobilitat europea IFE a Toulouse

L'alumnat de 4t d'IFE ha participat d'un Erasmus a Toulouse dins d'un programa de mobilitat Europea. Acció que ha servit per unir el Lycée Polyvalent Joseph Gallieni amb l'Escola del Treball de Lleida i establir vincles de cara al futur.…

La meva experiència Erasmus a Alemania

MY ERASMUS EXPERIENCE IN GERMANY My name is Josep Tomas. I just came back from an Erasmus course in Germany. We were staying in Rastatt, a small town in southern Germany, near Strasbourg. The first two weeks, we did an…

El meu Erasmus a Alemanya

MY ERASMUS EXPERIENCE My name is Pablo Casanova. First of all, I have to say that it has been a great opportunity to participate in this project. I have always liked the idea of traveling to other countries and doing…

El meu Erasmus a França

ERASMUS ÉTUDE À MONTPELLIER Je peux vous dire que j’ai vécu une expérience très intéressante et enrichissante pendant mon stage de trois mois à Montpellier. J’ai fait un stage d'étude au Lycée Jules Guesde où j'ai suivi des cours en…

Dissemination Event of the e-ManTRA project

El passat 29 de novembre es va realitzar l'acte de difusió del projecte e-mantra amb la participació de les empreses col·laboradores del CFGS de Transport i Logística que acullen alumnat en pràctiques i FPDual, exalumnes del cicle, professorat i actual alumnat en pràctiques.…

El meu Erasmus a Lisboa

MY ERASMUS IN LISBON My name is Ariadna Vidal. Lisbon, what can I say about this beautiful and crazy place?… Well, it has been really enriching for me to be able to stay almost four months in the capital of…

El meu Erasmus a Holanda

MY ERASMUS EXPERIENCE IN LEEUWARDEN Hello everybody, first of all, I would like to introduce myself, I am Paula and I have had the opportunity to live and study in Leeuwarden, Holland for 5 months. An experience that I recommend…

El meu Erasmus a Holanda

My Erasmus experience in the Netherlands This past four months we have lived an experience that we will probably remember for the rest of our lives. After spending four months in Bergamo, Italy, we continued our first year in Leeuwarden,…

El meu Erasmus a Portugal

My Erasmus course  Hi, My name is Razvan, I'm here to share my Erasmus trip with all of you! To begin with I will explain how the trip was. First of all,  the students met at the door of the…

El meu Erasmus a Portugal

My Erasmus in Portugal My name is Francisco. One day at our school l'Escola del Treball de Lleida, they came to our class to explain to us that there was a new opportunity to do Erasmus in Portugal, I signed…