Hello, everybody! 

Today I come to tell you about my experience studying at the Universidade Atlântica in Portugal. 

This time the university was on the outskirts of Lisbon and a few years ago it was a gunpowder factory, so everything was a bit older but equally good. 

We had classes on Big Data as well as Online Open Innovation, so we were always doing projects and presentations on the given topics. 

It was very interesting since I learned things that I had never heard before.

About the COVID-19, we started doing online classes in Teams, so we talked with each teacher to organize the week so we didn’t coincide with any class. 

Every Tuesday for example we had a class of Online Open Innovation and on Friday we had a presentation about what we talked on Tuesday, so it was not a problem to do it online. 

The only problem sometimes was that the classes are not as entertaining so it is easier to get distracted. 

About life in Portugal, for me it has been the best country because the lifestyle is very similar to Spain. 

About transport, we paid 30 euros a month and had unlimited trips with the metro, train and bus, so to get around and see Lisbon or the outskirts was very easy and cheap. 

And in Lisbon it is full of people doing Erasmus so it is very fast to make friends, apart from that with the Erasmus cards there are a lot of activities to do like for example trips to Oporto and surfing for a very good price. 

COVID-19 didn’t let us really enjoy Lisbon at all, but thanks to my flat mates or the people I met who also was doing Erasmus, my stay was great. 

After these 2 years my favorite country has been Portugal, but that doesn’t mean that the others haven’t enjoyed it, because if I could do it again I would do it a thousand times more. 

It has been the best years of my life, I have grown as a person and now I know what I want and what I don’t want for my future. 

Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity, I will miss it very much. 

Kristiana Girne