Projectes Leonardo

El programa Leonardo da Vinci va dirigit a atendre les necessitats d’ensenyament i aprenentatge de totes les persones implicades en l’educació i Formació Professional, així com a les institucions i organitzacions que imparteixen o faciliten aquesta formació.El Programa Leonardo da Vinci subvenciona entre altres, les següents accions descentralitzades:

  • Projectes de mobilitat
  • Leonardo da Vinci

Resultats del projecte Leonardo

The key to success: Intercultural competence and ICT skills for today's labour market

It is a project between six schools in six European countries whose aim is to develop students ICT skills and intercultural competences. The target group is formed of students aged 15-19 and also teachers. All the activities are meant to be practical so that students will get to know the cultural characteristics of each partner country. Students will then be able to use and exploit this knowledge and experience in their future job. Everything will be done with the help of ICT tools, tools which they are already familiar with and where their skills will improve as well as new tools. Students will for example learn how to create databases and create a Moodle website as a shared platform.

Més informació…

Si voleu tenir més informació del projecte i dels seus resultats podeu consultar el següent enllaç:

Partners del projecte Leonardo

The key to success: Intercultural competence and ICT skills for today's labour market

  • ORGANIZATION COORDINATOR: Kaufmaennische Schule Heidenheim
  • PARTNERS FROM: Germany, Turkey, Romania, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria
  • ORGANIZATION PARTNERS: GOLBASI KIZ TEKNIK VE MESLEK LISESI, Liceul Teoretic Teius, Institut ESCOLA DEL TREBALL, Balint Marton Altalanos- es Kozepiskola, “Educational Technologies” Private Specialised School




Escola del Treball